Speech Therapy in the City

Hello, Friends!

Welcome to my blog. I can honestly tell you that I never thought I would be doing this. I don’t even have Facebook, so I can assure you that the prospect of a blog has literally never crossed my mind. So what am I doing here? Same reason you are — I googled some combination of the words “speech therapy” and “diversity”, “multi-cultural”, “inner-city”, “poverty”, “african-american”, “black”, “hispanic”, “hmong”, etc. and came up with nothing. And I’m over it.

I guess I’m here because I’m hoping that we, collectively, can fill the void.

I am over getting pamphlets from companies selling therapy materials that feature only white faces. I am sick of spending money on Teachers Pay Teachers only to find that the item I previewed before purchase features ONE character representing a person of color. I am tired of my students reading stories featuring characters who look nothing like them and who participate in “common everyday events” that are not common to my students at all.

Speech and language disorders can affect anyone. I am just hoping to have a conversation about the unique benefits and challenges of working with students in the inner-city.

Thanks for checking me out. Hope to talk to you again soon.

Ms. B

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